
I think it would surprise people to hear me say I am not going anywhere. They would expect someone making pottery, taking photos, or painting landscapes, to be going somewhere with it. I think people assume that’s what it is all about; developing a hobby, art, a profession, and business. It may be thought to be good way to spend time, but if its always on your mind, then you are not really living. I don’t have a business. Perhaps the title is hobbyist.

When I sit down to work, each time I am looking carefully, watching myself closely, and trying to discover the art and craft. This is in a way going down deeper into the skills, and the results, and finding what the materials, tools and operation, have to offer, only by watching and learning. This is not going forward, not accumulating, as you might think. It is not working to a routine, nor practicing with any set of ideas or goals.

As a rule art and craft does have basics in the nature of the materials, the technology, and the product. A pot is a pot, a picture is a picture. But here I am looking at what I am doing and thinking, and not only when I am making something.

What are the basic needs, motives, aspirations, in a thought process? When I look at that aspect of my life, do I see the thought process is very mundane, and in the normal condition, mixed with troubles and concerns, pleasures and ambitions, etc, and this is all hiding in the belief of doing something rewarding and creative?

Probably people think this life is normal, and we have to overcome all the mundane issues. It doesn’t occur to them to not work this way. Usually it isn’t understood, this is all a condition of the thinker, who is struggling with it all, and then are using the same nature of struggling to improve, to escape.

Can you first look and listen, and watch what happens, freely?

Peter’s Art & Craft

Paintings and Ceramics

Hi I’m Peter,

I live in Adelaide, South Australia.

I have an interest in acrylic landscape painting (plein air), mainly in the Adelaide Hills, the Barossa Valley, and the Flinders Ranges. I also make pottery and ceramic art in my studio. Thanks for visiting!

The paintings are on canvas on a wooden support and are unframed. This is just a sample of paintings. (typically 50 x 70 cm)

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